The Power Of Massage Therapy

Massage is an ancient art of muscle manipulation that can have surprising effects on the body. While people have been enjoying various types of massage for thousands of years, only recently has scientific testing demonstrated its power to heal and restore the body. A good massage can relieve stress, reduce pain and inflammation, restore a full range of motion, and resolve muscular tension or reflex issues. There’s no need to think of massage therapy as just as an indulgence when you understand the medical benefits it offers.

New Insight Into The Efficacy Of Massage

For centuries, patients knew that massage could relieve chronic back pain or sciatica because they simply felt better after each session. However, clinical testing now backs up that assertion. A full review by the Institute of Work and Health of 13 randomized clinical trials showed that massage had measurable effects when compared to inert or placebo treatments. Massage therapy was shown to be more effective than many similar non-invasive treatments.

What Are The Benefits Of Massage Therapy?

When choosing a treatment for issues like herniated discs or general neuropathy, you have many options and not all of them are created equally. Choosing massage therapy at our convenient New Haven office is a good option due to benefits like:

  • Non-invasive treatments – there’s no needles involved and no recovery period as with surgical intervention.
  • Relaxing – you will know a difference in your stress levels and mood immediately.
  • Affordable – a few visits a year could keep you pain free without the high costs associated with more intensive treatments.
  • Quick – a half hour of massage is often sufficient to reduce pain and stiffness significantly.
  • Complementary – relying on massage for pain relief won’t keep you from pursuing other treatment options.
  • Supports better overall health – a massage can increase blood circulation, release both physical and emotional tension, and treat specific issues at the same time.
  • Improves performance – athletes can recover faster after training and relieve minor injuries with massage.

What Conditions Can Be Treated With Massage?

Nearly any long term condition that causes back or neck pain is a candidate for massage therapy treatment. Even if massage can’t get rid of the cause of your inflammation and limited range of motion, it can help relieve these symptoms. Patients with sciatica, compressed nerves, scoliosis, and other spinal and nerve issues often find relief through massage alone. If you are suffering with a problem in an isolated part of the body like carpal tunnel, massage treatments are available to relieve pressure on the nerves and restore full function. Massage therapy goes far beyond a simple back rub. Our New Haven clinic is staffed with a full medical team. We can provide chiropractic adjustments, allergy testing, inflammation management injections, and other services to eliminate conditions or keep them under control.

Can I Handle Massage With A Pre-Existing Condition?

Massage therapy is safe for most patients, but we can provide testing and analysis if you are concerned that it could aggravate your pre-existing condition. Since we are spinal specialists, we can use various imaging techniques to determine what massage techniques are safest for you. If something hurts or feels uncomfortable, just tell the massage therapist and they can alter the treatment to fit your needs.

Part Of A Complete Care Package

Massage works best when combined with other treatments. There’s no need to visit dozens of different specialists when our team is diverse enough to provide these options all within one building. If excess weight or food allergies are triggering your symptoms, we can pinpoint these causes and provide opportunities to fix them while helping you feel better today with a relaxing massage.