It is never too late to start a new exercise routine in an effort to get fit or lose weight. However, there is quite a bit of pain that can accompany the beginning of workouts after a sedentary lifestyle. Watch out for sore joints and burning knees during your first few workouts. When these symptoms appear without a change in behavior or new activities, pay attention and contact us to make an appointment at our Fort Wayne area office to ensure the cause isn’t a progressive illness.

What is Bursitis?

Bursitis is the inflammation of one or more bursa. The bursae are small pads that are filled with fluid which sit between muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons. Without these cushions, moving any joint would be excruciatingly painful as these bands would all rub together. Inflammation of the bursa sacks means joint movements are quite uncomfortable. While this isn’t a very serious disorder, it can be hard to treat if the cause is a chronic illness that you will have for the rest of your life.

Bursitis Symptoms

There are over 150 bursae in the body; so, the symptoms of this condition can pop up in nearly any major or minor joint. Some patients have just one toe or finger affected. Be on the lookout for symptoms like:

  • Pain and stiffness in the joint, suggesting inflammation
  • Stinging or stabbing sensations when the joint is moved
  • Irritation that increases with activity or exercise
  • Loss of range of motion in a joint used repetitively
  • Swelling that is often noticeable to the patient

Cause of Bursitis

The bursae found in the elbows, knees, and ankles are very sensitive to overuse. When you take up a new habit of running or working in an unusual way, you may feel complaints from joints that receive a lot of impacts and pressure. A fit of bursitis can be triggered by:

  • Repetitive motions like swinging a bat or punching
  • Resting your weight on your elbows for too long
  • Sitting on hard surfaces for hours each day
  • Auto accidents with traumatic injuries
  • Over-use and strain of the surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tendons
  • Rheumatoid arthritis and gout

Bursitis Risks

Because bursitis is usually just linked to a little too much exercise or a sports injury, many patients ignore the occasional outburst of it. However, more chronic symptoms could indicate permanent damage to the bursae or even infection in them. Failing to treat this kind of problem may lead to:

  • Development of irritating crystals inside a bursa
  • Loss of flexibility in one or more joints
  • Burning and aching pain that is hard to relieve
  • Infections that put the entire body at risk

Bursitis Treatment Options

Rest and recovery should relieve minor cases of bursitis. For symptoms that remain after a few days off of your feet, come into our clinic in New Haven for treatments like:

  • Stretching to release tight tendons and ligaments pressing against bursae
  • Recommendations for elevation and icing routines to reduce pain
  • Exercise routines to help you get fit without irritating your joints further

Loosen Up with Massage and Pain Relief

Bursitis can put a quick stop to your dedication to getting fit or trying a new hobby. Renew your efforts towards your goal by eliminating the inflammation and reducing joint pain. Don’t let a minor injury turn into a chronic condition by avoiding care.

Our team of chiropractic care experts will quickly determine the cause of bursae damage and create a series of complementary treatments designed for the fastest and most effective possible recovery. It is our goal to help you avoid surgery for bursitis. Whether you live in New Haven, Fort Wayne, Woodburn, or any of the surrounding areas, you are always welcome.